• Raccoon

    Family Stuff

    My mother died, about three weeks ago. There’s a lot I could say about that, but I don’t think I’m ready to say all of it in a blog post. I may not ever be. Life has…

  • NanoWriMo and Inktober Logos
    Rambles,  Writing

    NaNoWriMo, Creativity, and Time

    I love fall. It’s that season where first my visual arts friends do Inktober and fill my social media feeds with art, and then in November a significant chunk of my writer friends do NaNoWriMo. I’ve attempted…

  • Rocket Launch
    Rambles,  Writing

    The First One

    It seems to be a fact of life that if you keep doing anything for long enough, you will eventually look back at your early efforts and suffer spine-clenching cringe. I remind myself of this regularly, these…

  • Lab Equipment
    Test Post

    Test Post

    Test post Test post Test post Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas libero neque, malesuada sed justo sit amet, bibendum feugiat ante. Aenean fermentum ante sit amet fermentum eleifend. Aliquam non faucibus eros, vitae…